Thursday, 8 July 2010

#16 - hey soul sister

Abbi Joy Swindin came see us on tuesday :) it was a lovely day. we said hello, we had a chat, we had some pizza, we went to see rosie, we were rude to girls, we got sweaty knee pits, and then we said goodbye. this was a good day, and there will be more abbi days to come this summer.

yayy :)

Sunday, 4 July 2010

#15 - one more day

one more day of college. then the summer. im looking forward to late nights and late mornings. mid day showers. seeing friends. doing nothing. and doing my work when i want, not for the next day. looking forward to dalesdown, three amazing weeks of amazingness. teens plus, teens and maggots. looking forward to driving more. looking forward to looking nice becuase i want to, or looking skank becuase im not doing anything. looking forward to being free to take photos all the time. looking forward to experimenting with things. looking forward to it. just one more day.

Friday, 2 July 2010